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Photoarchive Gerlach

In 1992, the Wien Museum acquired part of the Fotoarchiv Gerlach, which comprises roughly 2,600 negatives from the photographer Martin Gerlach jun. and his son Kurt Gerlach. Most of these photos can be viewed online in the Online Collection. Architecture, interiors, design, and document photographs are but a few of the themes included in the archive. More information is available in Andreas Nierhaus’s contribution in the Wien Museum magazine.
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1940
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1938–1940
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1938–1940
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1938–1940
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1940
Martin Gerlach jun.
around 1940
Martin Gerlach jun., Clemens Holzmeister
around 1934–1936
Martin Gerlach jun., Clemens Holzmeister
around 1934–1936
Martin Gerlach jun., Robert Kramreiter
around 1936
Martin Gerlach jun., Hans Prutscher
around 1936
Martin Gerlach jun., André Lurçat
Martin Gerlach jun., Josef Frank
Martin Gerlach jun.
Martin Gerlach jun.
Martin Gerlach jun., Erich Boltenstern
around 1935
Martin Gerlach jun., Hans Weiß & Ernst Wottitz
around 1935
Martin Gerlach jun., Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller
around 1935
Martin Gerlach jun., Rudolf Wondracek
Martin Gerlach jun., Josef Hoffmann
around 1943–1945