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Vanished Sites and Structures

The Wien Museum owns an extensive collection of topographical views that confer the city’s architectural assets from different periods. The album and key word “Vanished Sites and Structures” aims to accommodate interest in them. The keywording refers to objects that have been destroyed or broken following the demolition of the city walls and is to be understood as a work in progress. Cited as an example are the synagogues destroyed during the Nazi terror, war losses such as the Philipphof, and sites such as the “Holländerdorfl” on Hameau and the “Ratzenstadl.”
Sperlings Postkartenverlag (M. M. S.)
before 1905
Sperlings Postkartenverlag (M. M. S.)
before 1905
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien
around 1858
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien
Andreas Groll
after 1863
August Stauda
August Stauda
around 1902
August Stauda
before 1882
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
around 1904
August Stauda
around 1906
August Stauda
around 1899
Andreas Groll
after 1862
Andreas Groll
around 1864
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
1904 (Application)
Andreas Groll
around 1870
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
around 1898
Michael Frankenstein & Comp.
around 1873
Michael Frankenstein & Comp.
around 1875
Andreas Groll
around 1859–1865
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
around 1898
after 1904 (Application) ab 1898 (print)
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
1905 (Production)
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
around 1898
Albin Sockl, Charles Scolik
around 1900
Carl (Karl) Ledermann jun.
1905 (Application)