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The Mapped City

The Wien Museum’s collection contains master plans of the city from the fifteenth century until the present. Found here are thus outstanding testimonials from the early phase of Viennese cartography (such as the oldest known city plan of Vienna, the so-called “Albertinian Map”) along with rare thematic maps and city plans for daily use. Rather than following the principle of completeness, collection occurs based on representativity and significance. City plans demonstrate not only the city’s transformation, but also its cartographic representation and construction.
Bonifaz Wolmut (auch: Wolmuet)
Augustin Hirschvogel
around 1808–1828 (print)
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien, Albert von Camesina
around 1877
Stefano (Mozzi) Scolari
after 1670
Johann Baptist Homann, Leandro Anguissola, Jacob Marinoni
around 1720
Matthäus Seutter, Tobias Conrad Lotter
1733–1757 (Draft) after 1762 (print)
Johann Georg Weingand, Joseph Daniel von Huber
C. R. Brunnarius, Georg Michael Bauerkeller
around 1845
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien
Kartographisches (früher Militärgeographisches) Institut in Wien, Ladislaus Eugen Petrovits (Petrowitsch)
k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien
C. Angerer & Göschl, Karl Mayreder
Gemeinde Wien

Plan von Wien

Kartographisches (früher Militärgeographisches) Institut in Wien


Kartographische Anstalt Freytag-Berndt und Artaria KG (ab 1940)
around 1940